Resource Topic:


Pediatric Collaborative Care Implementation Guide

This guide is for multi-disciplinary, primary care teams seeking to improve care access and behavioral health outcomes for children and adolescents through implementing Collaborative Care. Centered around the core principles of Collaborative Care, this guide serves as...

CoCM Adapting to Workforce Change

The successful execution of Collaborative Care (CoCM) programs require participation from a team of clinical and administrative staff to deliver, monitor, and supervise the evidence-based model of care. While workforce changes are inevitable, preparation can help...

CoCM Practice Selection Tool

This tool is intended to assist physician organizations (POs) to compare practices and select or order practices to implement and deliver collaborative care model (CoCM) services. 

Caseload Review Meeting Guide

Caseload review meetings allow the behavioral health care manager (BHCM) and clinical supervisor(s) to complete a high-level review of the caseload. The goal is to keep the caseload “fluid,” allowing the BHCM to continue accepting new patients. During these meetings,...

BHCM Intake Checklist

This document is intended to guide the BHCM through the Collaborative Care intake process. The triage assessment is the first step in determining whether the patient is appropriate for Collaborative Care. If the patient is a good candidate for Collaborative Care, the...

Build your clinical skills (AIMS)

A resource guide for building clinical skills within the Collaborative Care Model developed by the University of Washington AIMS Center.

Get Trained in the Collaborative Care Model (APA)

The American Psychiatry Association offers specialized training in the Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) for treating providers, psychiatric consultants and behavioral health care managers. Click to review their course offerings.