This pdf includes multiple screeners to assist in diagnosing ADHD.These scales should NOT be used alone to make any diagnosis.You must take into consideration information from multiple sources.
Resource Topic:
What ADHD Feels Like
This video, created by BuzzFeed, shows interviews with real-life people and their experiences with ADHD.
ACE Screening
Routine and universal Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) screening helps clinical teams provide more effective and equitable health care. Screening results can be used to provide targeted clinical interventions, as well as offer greater compassion, patience, and the...
NIDA Quick Screen
This guide is designed to assist clinicians serving adult patients in screening for drug use. The NIDA Quick Screen was adapted from the single-question screen for drug use in primary care by Saitz et al. and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s...
Intimate Partner Violence Screening Tools
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening remains controversial. Major medical organizations mandate screening, whereas the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) cautions that there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against screening. An effective...
Parent Toolkit: Resources to Help Strengthen Families
This toolkit is a guide for parents in supporting the mental well being of themselves and their families. Providers may also wish to use this guide or share it with their patients.
GAD-7 Screening
The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) and GAD-7 offer clinicians concise, self-administered screening and diagnostic tools for mental health disorders, which have been field-tested in office practice. The screeners are quick and user-friendly, improving the...
Suicide Prevention Protocol Development Guide for Primary Care
Suicide is a leading cause of death, and roughly 50% of patients who complete suicide have been seen by a health care provider in the 8 weeks prior to their death. This places primary care providers in an important position to identify suicide risk and initiate...
Pleasant Activities
This tool can be used by patients and providers to identify positive and productive activities for mental well being.
Comparison of Teleintegrated Care and Telereferral Care for Treating Complex Psychiatric Disorders in Primary Care: A Pragmatic Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial
In this journal, investigators compare 2 clinic-to-clinic interactive video approaches to delivering evidence-based mental health treatments to patients in primary care clinics to determine which is more effective.