This pdf includes multiple screeners to assist in diagnosing ADHD.These scales should NOT be used alone to make any diagnosis.You must take into consideration information from multiple sources.
Resource Topic:
What ADHD Feels Like
This video, created by BuzzFeed, shows interviews with real-life people and their experiences with ADHD.
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
The Adult ADHD Symptom Checklist is an instrument consisting of the eighteen DSM-IV-TR criteria. The goal of this checklist is to explore more fully the extent and severity of ADHD symptoms and create a framework to ascertain impairment.
Adult ADHD-RS-IV with Adult Prompts
The ADHD-RS-IV with Adult Prompts is an 18-item scale based on the DSM-IV-TR® criteria for ADHD that provides a rating of the severity of symptoms. The adult prompts serve as a guide to explore more fully the extent and severity of ADHD symptoms and create a framework...