This tool is intended to assist physician organizations (POs) to compare practices and select or order practices to implement and deliver collaborative care model (CoCM) services.
Resource Type:
Toolkits & Guides
SAFE-T Pocket Card (SAMHSA)
This resource provides tips for supporting suicide prevention.
CoCM EHR Documentation Templates Universal
This document provides examples of EHR documentation templates currently used by an organization delivering CoCM services. Please use and adapt as your organization desires. Also note that these examples include “Patient/Parent/Caregiver” for application to adult and...
Readiness Rulers
This worksheet can be used as a tool for patients and providers to help provide quantitative descriptors of a patient's readiness, importance, and confidence in achieving goals.
Behavioral Activation Quick Guide
This infographic provides details on behavioral activation - a brief intervention that breaks patterns of avoidance and helps reestablish routines, thereby increasing pleasurable experiences and decreasing depression in patients.
Problem Solving Treatment Tip Guide
PST is a brief, evidenced-based, cognitive-behavioral intervention that aims to improve the ability to cope with stressful life experiences through adoption of an optimistic view of coping and increased understanding of the role of emotions. It focuses on the present,...
Self-Management Action Plan
This worksheet is meant help patients establish goals and identify the steps they plan to take to achieve them.
Caseload Review Meeting Guide
Caseload review meetings allow the behavioral health care manager (BHCM) and clinical supervisor(s) to complete a high-level review of the caseload. The goal is to keep the caseload “fluid,” allowing the BHCM to continue accepting new patients. During these meetings,...
BHCM Intake Checklist
This document is intended to guide the BHCM through the Collaborative Care intake process. The triage assessment is the first step in determining whether the patient is appropriate for Collaborative Care. If the patient is a good candidate for Collaborative Care, the...
Systematic Case Review Guidelines – Fillable
This document provides a template intended to guide systematic case review training, including best practices for maximizing the efficiency of each systematic case review session.