The SCREEN, comprising of 18 items, may be employed dimensionally (using the questionnaire score), categorically (using a cut-off score), or as an aid in assessing risk levels in regard to school refusal.
ACE Screening
Routine and universal Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) screening helps clinical teams provide more effective and equitable health care. Screening results can be used to provide targeted clinical interventions, as well as offer greater compassion, patience, and the...
BEARS Sleep Screening Tool
BEARS is divided into 5 major sleep domains (B=Bedtime Issues, E=Excessive Daytime Sleepiness, A=Night Awakenings, R=Regularity and Duration of Sleep, S=Snoring) and helps clinicians evaluate potential sleep problems in children 2 to 18 years old. Each sleep domain...
NIDA Quick Screen
This guide is designed to assist clinicians serving adult patients in screening for drug use. The NIDA Quick Screen was adapted from the single-question screen for drug use in primary care by Saitz et al. and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s...
Intimate Partner Violence Screening Tools
Intimate partner violence (IPV) screening remains controversial. Major medical organizations mandate screening, whereas the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) cautions that there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against screening. An effective...
The Period of Purple Crying
The Period of PURPLE Crying program is an evidence-based shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma (SBS/AHT) prevention program available since 2007. The program approaches SBS/AHT and infant abuse prevention by helping parents and caregivers understand the frustrating...
The Happiest Baby on the Block
In an innovative and thought-provoking reevaluation of early infancy, Dr. Karp blends modern science and ancient wisdom to prove that newborns are not fully ready for the world when they are born. Through his research and experience, he has developed four basic...
The Vicious Cycle of Low Mood
This video, made by the East London NHS Foundation, details the depression cycle and ways to combat it.
Problem-Solving Therapy
Feeling overwhelmed by everyday problems? Laura Greisman, social worker, reveals how problem-solving techniques can be used to tackle one problem at a time to improve your mood. Learn how this treatment works for older adults with mild depression.
Parent Toolkit: Resources to Help Strengthen Families
This toolkit is a guide for parents in supporting the mental well being of themselves and their families. Providers may also wish to use this guide or share it with their patients.