Primary Health Care Teams provides the first comprehensive guide for teams to integrate effective mental health care into primary care clinics. Edited by a team of UW Medicine mental health experts, it includes practical information, skills, and clinical approaches...
Office Management
Long-term Cost Effects of Collaborative Care for Late-life Depression
Published in The American Journal of Managed Care. Compared with usual primary care, the IMPACT program is associated with a high probability of lower total healthcare costs during a 4-year period.
The Pathways Study: A Randomized Trial of Collaborative Care in Patients With Diabetes and Depression
Published in Arch Gen Psychiatry. The Pathways collaborative care model improved depression care and outcomes in patients with comorbid major depression and/or dysthymia and diabetes mellitus
Implementing collaborative primary care for depression and posttraumatic stress disorder: Design and sample for a randomized trial in the U.S. military health system
War-related trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and suicide are common in US military members. Often, those affected do not seek treatment due to stigma and barriers to care. When care is sought, it often fails to meet quality standards. A...
Mobile Apps for Healthcare Professionals (APA)
In this quarterly column, a panel of experts provides ratings and reviews of software and apps to be used either by practicing psychologists or their clients in conjunction with psychological services. Topics cover a variety of technology resources including mental...
Unable to Reach a Referred Patient
This is a letter template that can be used to reach out to a patient who has been referred for care and has been difficult to reach.
Psychiatric Consultant Job Description
This template provides a sample job description for a Psychiatric Consultant in Collaborative Care settings.
Program Review Meeting Guide
Regular program review meetings provide the opportunity to review the performance and operations of the CoCM program, including patient outcomes, fidelity, billing, and program operations. This guide outlines the principles of an effective program review meeting.
PC EHR Documentation Workflow
This guide outlines the documentation process for the psychiatric consultant (PC) within the Collaborative Care (CoCM) EHR workflow. This includes EHR templates and specific documentation requirements.
CoCM Sustainability Toolkit
Collaborative Care (CoCM) programs require routine monitoring to prevent drift from the evidence-based model and to ensure long-term sustainability. This toolkit outlines three components to support sustainability: 1) establishing and maintaining program oversight; 2)...